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Hoc Hack (Hic!) On:2006-06-15 04:57:05

Well I've just realised that it's certainly a bloody vicious, evil old world---or at least an immature, silly and thoughtless one. You see my web site (you do know I have a web site: the final resting place for my dead essays?) my web site has been hacked for about the fifth time, mainly in the last couple of weeks, apparently by people from Turkey, or (with my new plummeting opinion of humanity in mind) perhaps they are people pretending for some unfathomable, but essentially evil reason, to be people from Turkey---or maybe they are just turkeys pretending to be people.

Not, really, that it's a big deal; I mean, as soon as I notice the desecration, it takes about four or five mouse clicks and a couple of menu drags to restore a backup, and then ten to fifteen minutes for it to propagate. In fact the worst thing about it is that I have to keep checking my site and I'm sure those of you who ever go there know just how unpleasant an experience that is!
And anyway our little turkeyish perps are pretty obviously very low-level peons in the world of hackdom; probably just kids using injection scripts that they find online on sites dedicated to such poopiness! (Remember my opening phrase on the state of the world?) They are exploiting weaknesses in an open source web site shell I use. It's called PHP-Nuke and it allows one to quickly develop quite an elaborate site and to hack it into shape quite easily---Oh dear! Hack!
So that, of course, means that it's all Diana-at-work's fault because she was the one who suggested PHP-Nuke as a temporary solution while we worked on a through-composed site the would be much more secure and sexy (and secure AND sexy would be quite an achievement for any site).

Of course that was---Oh ! what?---three years ago? So she screwed up royally because she really should have had the perspicacity to have born in mind that it was me she was dealing with. I'm the guy who thinks that the 400-year Roman occupation of Britain was temporary; that the Solar System is temporary; that even the whole Universe is merely temporary. So three years is pretty bloody temporary by my standards.
She really should have realised.

Anyway up until a few months ago none of these turkeys were gobbling or jiggling their wattles anywhere near my site: and why would I think they would, and indeed why should they? Why on earth would anyone bother to hack a site full of utterly obscure comments on totally trivial matters?
I mean I can understand hacking vast faceless and evil entities like AOL or Microsoft or various military what'sits, trying to find conspiracies about aliens or poor downtrodden little software developers (like that Gary McKinnon guy the US is currently trying to extradite from England; after he spent about two years hacking into military computers over here, on a regular basis and with apparent ease, in order to search for little green alien technology---Oh and by the way here's a reality check for all you government-alien-conspiracy nuts out there; our government (... almost every government) is a collection of doofoid wankers who can hardly keep more than the most pathetic and trivial of secrets secret, so if you think they could hide alien landings or sightings or even abductions; not to mention anti-gravity, unlimited free gas substitutes and the fact that Microsoft sucks, for more than about five minutes, then a judicious application of Occam's razor to your ... their ... someone's ... throat should quickly apprise you ... them ... everyone ... of the truth) Where was I? Oh yes! Being inconsequential, yet being attacked. All I can think is that, since it is so easy to hack, they must just randomly go for any PHP-Nuke site they can find.

So if you ever go to my site and it looks really interesting (not to mention excitingly foreign and non-Roman-alphabeted)---it's not my fault: it's been hacked and you should enjoy it while you can because it should be back to its normal quiet blah real soon; and almost as soon we should have the new improved up-your-nose-you-great-hairy-Turkeys version done

Cheerio for now
from Richard Howland-Bolton.

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