For many a long year (and around three times as many short ones) I eked out my living as a photographer, designer, cartoonist and the like in and around London.
This was in the 70's of the last century of the last millennium, when men were real Men, models were real Models and photographers were real Photographers with none of this modern digital pussyfooting around: we knew one end of a stop-bath from the other, and our Letraset™ from our Rubylith. Anyway I've now bitten the byte and knuckled down to scanning some of my earlier stuff and putting it here... Note that the dates and locations associated with the images are subject to ! Also note that many of the negs are elderly and have had hard lives: I've done some spotting, but I'm afraid you'll have to excuse our dust (as they say). Richard Howland-Bolton  This section is best viewed in Firefox  ('cause I'm too lazy to check all the other browsers) |
The Studios on Sherriff Road where I did my eking out before coming to America. |
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